How would you like to be a benefactor for the HPS Drama Club?
As a benefactor, your sponsorship will help further the education and enrichment of future theater productions at HPS. There are items such as scholarships, extra staffing, lights, microphones, sound system (so we do not have to rent) that your sponsorship will help provide. Any donation is appreciated and can be made out directly to “Homestake Peak School Drama Club”. As a benefactor, you will be acknowledged in all future programs and productions performed at HPS through the Drama Club. Benefactor levels are Platinum, Gold Silver and Bronze.
PLATINUM is any donation of $500 or more
GOLD is any donation of $101 – $499
SILVER is any donation of $50 to $100
BRONZE is any donation up to $50
Please fill out the form to the right to pay via check (payable to Homestake Peak School Drama Club), Venmo (@HPS-Drama), or complete the form below to pay electronically via this website. If donating via the website and would like to cover the transaction fee, please calcualate an additional 3.5% and add it as a custom amount.
Checks payable to:
PO BOX 5810
AVON CO 81620-5810
Use this form to donate via Cash, Check or Venmo